In business, the word ‘touchpoint’ is increasingly used as a way to describe an interaction between you and your customers. Very often, businesses don’t realise just how many potential touchpoints they actually have at their disposal. Some are direct, some are indirect and some can be both. However many you have as a business, it’s vital that they are managed in a way that presents your company in the most positive light.

Each of these touchpoints can enhance your brand and increase the ways in which you can reach out and touch (cue Diana Ross) your customers, plus making the most of them has never been easier or more cost effective. Digital marketing channels make it simple for you to communicate your targeted messages right into the hand of your customer. Combining this with quality branding and good old fashioned customer service will ensure what we all want at the end of the day – repeat business and recommendation.
So don’t act like you’re touched in the head, get out there and really touch your customers using positively placed touchpoints, then sit back and reap the rewards, how touching!